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In this article, we are going to write about express.js and say why it is important in the web discussion?
What is Express.js and why is it so important?
Well, express.js, as it says on its site, is a fast, painless, lightweight or minimal framework for Ninety GS.
Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js more about.
Written in JavaScript, it acts as just a thin layer of web kernel features. Unlike large and troublesome frameworks like Ruby on Rails Express, it has no side engine template or ORM. Express is not made by other components.
The job of Express is to create a tool for web developers that makes it easy to build a site with Node.js.
Easy installation and empty coding environment with JavaScript make Express the best option for fast and easy development.
express.js is the best option for startups that want to produce a product quickly and do not get too involved in complex coding issues.
Let's take a closer look at express.js and see how it works, so first of all, you should know that express.js is a prerequisite for understanding Node.js.
The Node.js environment is an essential part of building and deploying express.js. Node.js is almost a cross-platform interpreter for JavaScript that can run JavaScript indefinitely for browsers.
In fact, Node.js helps JavaScript to play a role on the server side and be selected as a server-side programming language instead of PHP, Python, Java, etc.
Express.js can be installed with the Node Manager package or npm and customize the pre-installed Node.js.
Node.js programmers have written thousands of open source libraries that you can use.
Check out this simple web server:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/', function(req, res){
res.send('<h1>Hello World!</h1>');
With a few simple lines you can set up a server and tell the browser to access it at localhost: 8000!
With JavaScript coming to the server, web developers are taking advantage of it in two ways:
So how does express.js work in all of these cases? Express.js provides web developers with all the tools they need to work with an HTTP-based server.
Node is an environment This is a basic thing. Express provides everything you need to enter and exit data on the server, but does not include the following:
Express capabilities give web developers freedom, express.js is not just a module for Node.js and you can add any component you need to it. Instead of sticking to one template and style, express.js can interact and collaborate with the following:
You can easily work with a template component and then turn your express into an API server. The output will be nothing but JSON
You will also enjoy freedom by storing data by express. You can use a Node module called Mongoose and you can connect your express to MongoDB!
You can also connect to Redis, SQL, Postgres .
Well, you have the freedom to choose which database for your work. Choose the right one. Unlike a framework like Django, which does not work with non-relational databases like MongoDB, there is a solution, but formal support is important. .
Developers can customize express exactly to their liking. They can remove extra components or add new required components.
You can generate almost anything from a static content server to RESTful APIs for Model-View-Controller (MVC) frameworks
Summary and summary of the above writings:
So we realized that Express.js is a framework for web applications that is a simple API for building websites, web applications and backends.
With ExpressJS, you no longer have to worry about low-level protocols, processes, and so on.
What is Express?
Express provides a minimal interface for building our applications. Provides us with the tools we need to build our apps.
It is very flexible and there are many modules for it at npm that you can import directly into Express.
Express by TJ Halewyck has been developed by Node.js maintenance and support.
Why Express?
Unlike its competitors such as Rails and Django, which have certain methods and are authoritarian, Express does not offer any method as the best method. Express is very flexible and modular.
Pug, formerly known as Jade, is an accurate language for writing HTML templates.
This is one of the most popular template languages used with Express.
MongoDB and Mongoose
MongoDB is a database, open source, scalable and document database built for easy development.
It is also used to store information
Mongoose is an API for the node.js client that makes it easy to access the database by Express.
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